
Sarah was a little short and a little tall. She had blonde hair and was smart, kind, and crazy.

Mr. Benson told the class that on Tuesday the class is going to have a field trip to the boat. The next day, on Tuesday, when they were on a boat, they thought it was cool, but Kalea did not think it was cool because she was a girly girl.

Suddenly, five minutes later, the boat started to sink.

 Kate B. started singing, “The boat is sinking, is sinking, is sinking. The boat is sinking. My little boat! Hooray, hehe!”

Then Maurie got dressed in his Super Man costume and started saving the class with TADA! A spoon and duct tape. And two hours later he saved us.
“Hooray, hooray Maurie Stone saved us!”
And Sarah and Kate B. said, “I love you, Maurie!”
“You’re my hero Maurie Stone!” shouted all the girls.
Mr. Benson told the class on Friday the class is going to the zoo. On Friday the class went to the zoo and suddenly Kate B. said, “Bob!” and woke up the bear, and the bear started to roar. Everyone’s hair, especially the girls’ hair, went up like static. They all screamed like a maniac. Also Mr. Benson. They all ran to the school bus and went back to school.

When they got to school, Kate said, “That was fun!”

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