
Andre had a friend called Geo. They were best friends. They played together. Their school was 54 stories high. The school was called Oyster Adams Bilingual School. They had a very famous school and all the other schools were boring.

Mr. Benson, their teacher, picks them up at 6:00 am so they can end school at 1 pm and all the other schools have to end school at 3:15 pm. Everyone wants to come to early or they will get sent to the principal’s office.

At the end Andre met some new friends called Milo, the straight at the butt person which as the butt kicker, Joel, the person who thinks he has swag, but he does not, Sebos, the person who looks like a dog, but is not a dog, Gilder, the kid that plays on a famous soccer team called Barcelona, Paulina, the only girl in our class.

And Mr. Benson, the teacher said, “Let’s learn!”

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