Gabby with Lauren

The Talking Toilet World

Once upon a time, there were toilets that hopped around all day with the aliens doing their business on the colored toilets. They had to go in the toilets that were their skin color. When they walked outside or inside they would have they skin color with their name in the sky so they could find each other. The law was that they had to marry an alien that was not their skin color. Then they could have babies that were both the boy's and the girl's skin color. You couldn't be friends with someone your color, or even know someone your color. Because they did not want someone to have a baby their color.

If you were following the law, and you had a baby that was your color, you would be very sick. Nobody wore clothes, so if you came to that world, you would be an alien to them. The only way to get to Talking Toilet World is to jump in the toilet and flush. Then you look like an alien and the color you are is the color toilet you will come out of. There is no way out of Talking Toilet World, so all the aliens are actually humans. When you are there everything will seem normal, but it really isn't at all. Only someone with glasses can see the truth. So, if you have glasses and flushed the toilet on yourself, you will end up here. I warned you!

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