Old Man Dan with Madison

Riddles and Jokes

Riddle: What has legs but can't walk?
Answer: A bed!

Riddle: How do you scramble the letters from New Door to make one word?
Answer: One word.

Question: How did the hot dog hide from the starving kid?
Answer: With ketchup!

Question: What is two plus two?
Answer: Tutu!

Question: What is a football shaped like?
Answer: A foot!

Question: What did the kid tomato say to his daddy tomato when his daddy tomato got smushed by a truck?
Answer: Ketchup, Ketchup!

Question: Why did the squirrel stop eating nuts?
Answer: Because he went nuts every time he ate a nut!

Question: Why did the blueberry go to the doctor?
Answer: Because he was feeling blue!

Question: Why do baseball players not play baseball at night?
Answer: Because there are too many bats!

Question: Why can't Bigfoot walk well?
Answer: Because his feet are too big!

Question: Why should you visit the leaning tower of Pisa?
Answer: Because you can get free pizza!

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