
M.N.P.S. was short with weird hair. He was also kind. Once M.N.P.S. was on a field trip with his class on a boat. M.N.P.S. saw something.

“It's a cyclone!” Oscar shouted as the captain tried to steer away form it. 

Everyone went to the back of the boat. It was too late. M.N.P.S. shut his eyes and heard a massive splash. 

When he opened his eyes he was on a beach! He also saw Gabriel, Diego, Milo and Mr. Benson. 

“Hey look at that sign!” Milo said.

The sign read “Welcome to Tieland” with a picture of a tie.

“Let's go here,” Diego said.

So they went but when they saw the entrance there was a guard standing there. 

“You can't come in. You need a tie like me,” said the guard.

So they went to the wall. They used the wood sticking out of the wall as foot-handles and they climbed over the wall. When they got in, they hid behind the wall. Then Diego heard someone whistling. They peeked and saw someone with a t-shirt that said “Tie Police,” luckily he did not notice them. That night they took some ties from the shop and cut down the tree. The used the wood to make a boat and went home.

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